Sunday, February 16, 2025

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Flat Roof

St. Louis, Missouri (March 19, 2018)- A flat roof is a roof that is almost completely level, having no slopes. They are more common in commercial buildings but still occur in residential buildings as well. There are some advantages and disadvantages to take into consideration before deciding if a flat roof is for you.



Cost: The major advantage is the cost because it is significantly cheaper. It doesn’t use as many materials, making it a cheaper alternative to the sloped roof.

Extra Space: Many people have flat roofs in order to use their roofs for other things such as a patio, garden, or to keep solar panels. The opportunities are endless with what can be done with the space on your flat roof.

More Accessible: These roofs are generally more accessible as opposed to a sloped roof, so it makes repairs, cleaning gutters, and other tasks much easier.



Lack of Drainage: Drainage is much easier for a roof that has a pitch or slope. Water can pool in these flat roofs causing the material to break down and to leak. During the Spring months, this is especially true because of the excessive amount of rainfall.

Not as many Options: There aren’t as many color and material options for flat roofs as there is for a sloped roof.


If interested in getting a flat roof installed for your home or business, call Rely Flat Roofing in St. Louis, Missouri. They can do a new installation, or fix any repairs brought on by those spring storms. Give them a call them today for a free estimate!

3748 McKelvey Rd.

St. Louis, Missouri


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